Day 21 Orgasm 25
♥ She leaned back in her chair and sipped her martini. This was a great game. She smiled at her husband across from her. Swanky restaurant. They were enjoying a splendid meal. He picked up his own martini and gestured
♥ She leaned back in her chair and sipped her martini. This was a great game. She smiled at her husband across from her. Swanky restaurant. They were enjoying a splendid meal. He picked up his own martini and gestured
♥ They weren’t newcomers to pegging. They’d done it a handful of times, enough for her to get good at it. He loved it. They both did, but he was still adjusting to the role reversal. After the last time,
♥ He didn’t want to. He really didn’t. But she’d given him explicit instructions, and expected him to follow them. He stood there in the Victoria’s Secret, feeling embarrassed to be there by himself to begin with, touching a pair
Mmmm….Masturbation! Gotta love May. I am doggedly pursuing my goal of at least one orgasm per day! And today was not difficult. Was kind of like the Trader Joe’s guy. But this man was tall, silver haired with blue eyes.
OMG OMG OMG. New toy! The G-Kii was set aside to rest tonight in favor of something new…because I most definitely like variety. And you know, in case y’all are wondering why I just don’t use my hand – I
Someone needs to give this young lady a lesson on safe toys…because that one looks suspicious! Though she definitely looks like she’s having a lovely time. I took a long, hot bath this evening and had some fun with the
So much sitting. So much writing. So much masturbation! May is a challenge for me in more ways than one. Pegging Paradise’s birthday also comes during May, which includes an additional celebration. So much celebrating! Whew. Perhaps that’s why I
Mother’s Day. A day somehow at odds with sexy stuff, in my mind. I mean, I could picture a man lovingly fucking his wife, the mother of his children, on Mother’s Day after all the breakfast in bed stuff and
Oh that smile!! Gotta love it. Masturbation makes us all pretty happy campers, am I right? I went to my Chiropractor recently, and he remarked on the looseness of my upper back. I’ve been exercising a bit more than usual,
Click Here …for more erotica than you can handle! Enjoy!!! Love, Ruby P.S. Since this went up late (best laid plans. 🙁 I screwed up on the scheduling) – You will have until Monday at midnight to enjoy all the