Podcast #113
Pegging Paradise Podcast #113 ❤ Couple listens to podcast #112 – it goes well. ❤ His journey from preparation to fear of disclosure to telling her – it goes well. (And podcast #112 played a part here, too.) ❤ More
Pegging Paradise Podcast #113 ❤ Couple listens to podcast #112 – it goes well. ❤ His journey from preparation to fear of disclosure to telling her – it goes well. (And podcast #112 played a part here, too.) ❤ More
I came across Jack from Kansas on the internet, and found this piece in his writings. I have long put forth the viewpoint that pegging usually involves intimacy. In fact I have written about exactly that. This piece is about
Pegging Paradise Podcast #111 ❤ He asks – she jumps to the GAY conclusion. ❤ A member of the Houston, Texas Pegging Club says hello! She loves the group. ❤ Guy I offended by my Texas name calling hears my
Pegging Paradise Podcast #110 Part 2 ❤ Interview with Mark! Part 2 And yes, the panties above have a lovely pouch in the front for you guys! Here’s the link… Linkorama Brené Brown – Listening to Shame Brené Brown – The
Pegging Paradise Podcast #110 Part 1 ❤ Interview with Mark Part 1 Linkorama Brené Brown – Listening to Shame Brené Brown – The Power of Vulnerability Sissy Pouch Panties on Amazon! Labor Day Weekend Sale at EnticeMe.com
Pegging Paradise Podcast #109 ❤ Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome – Pegging could help! Tons of information. ❤ Ruby fucked up and called Texas conservatives bad names. Seriously. ❤ Houston, Texas, however, now has a thriving Pegging Club! ❤ PSA information – viewpoint from the
Fun fact: The men I find myself most attracted to are most often ex-military. Sometimes I feel as if I have a magnet for men who have served. Probably because I love that contrast of the uber masculine man who
So…recently came across a posting by a guy in the reddit/pegging forum. He was very sad. He said his partner pretty much 100% refused his request for pegging and anal play. She also is not open to him wearing a butt
Hi Ruby, I too was recently bombarded with this type of fetish and I would like to point out a few things I’ve noticed on my husband’s quest to “convince” me to try this. First of all, “convincing” and “pressuring”
Pegging Paradise Podcast #105 ⇑⇑⇑Click right here to stream podcast⇑⇑⇑ ❤ Recap of the “he’s afraid his friends will call him gay” letter ❤ Recap of the “That’s guy code for unmanly” letter ❤ He suggests saying, not Liberace gay – Viking gay! ❤ He