What Do You Like to Watch?
Here’s a question: When you watch pegging porn, what do you like to see most as a man or woman, and what do you like to see the least? (We’re just talking visuals here so all you audiophiles just sit
Here’s a question: When you watch pegging porn, what do you like to see most as a man or woman, and what do you like to see the least? (We’re just talking visuals here so all you audiophiles just sit
I pulled quotes in the following post from an article in the Salt Lake Tribune. Here’s the whole article – thanks to the Tribune for including both sides of the issue. Utah Governor Herbert vetoed the sex-ed bill on
I had to take a couple of pictures and put them together…this was purchased at the Farmer’s Market in Santa Monica!! This is a perfect example of how kink is really going mainstream… Maybe I will nonchalantly put it
This video is funny and scary and stupid and sad…all at once! And I am fairly sure it is NOT a parody, despite how it appears. Oh, Jocelyn Elders, you were so ahead of your time… And for the record
Search terms that people have used to find Pegging Paradise… does pegging feel good to men? does pegging mean your gay? intimate strap on fuck how does a woman learn to fuck detailed pegging stories from women These just give
“Blowjobs are standard. Any make or model that doesn’t come with blowjobs should be immediately returned to the showroom. ” Dan Savage and I agree. Blowjobs should not be a “favor” for your partner.
…To have been chosen …! By Rori at her very fine blog “Between the Sheets”. I follow my passion and write about what I love, what makes me happy, what makes me think and also things that I
First of all – thank you all so much for participating! What a great collection of captions to choose from. And the winner is….subbie_333 with: “When Susan said that it was “9 inches to heaven”, Roger thought she meant
It’s not every day that you find gorgeous nude pictures of a stranger in your inbox. Thank you kindly for warming up my morning, my ♥friend from France♥… I love my job! Ruby Ryder
My first West Hollywood Halloween…with about 400K other partiers! People watching deluxe. Flamboyance abounded and creativity was everywhere. I was with a hot cop dressed as Lt. Dangle from Reno 911. We attracted our fair share of attention. Most