Podcast #12
Pegging Paradise Podcast #12 ↑↑↑ Click here to listen to the podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥ Oregon was good to me – despite pat-downs and lost luggage! ♥ They started with a Feeldoe and no harness and she wasn’t too happy.
Pegging Paradise Podcast #12 ↑↑↑ Click here to listen to the podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥ Oregon was good to me – despite pat-downs and lost luggage! ♥ They started with a Feeldoe and no harness and she wasn’t too happy.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “slut-shaming”. There’s no doubt that a double standard exists. Men are studs when they are sexually active but women are sluts. Men are virile, awesome and sought after. He’s a real “ladies
How Masturbation Month Originated We all owe a big thank you to Joycelyn Elders, the Surgeon General under the Clinton administration. This was a woman ahead of her time. In 1994, this amazing, highly educated, progressive-minded Surgeon General was asked
In the last few hours leading up to Masturbation Month…I thought it appropriate to take a look at the places in this world who do a better job of handling sexuality in general. Better than the USA ever thought about.
I pulled quotes in the following post from an article in the Salt Lake Tribune. Here’s the whole article – thanks to the Tribune for including both sides of the issue. Utah Governor Herbert vetoed the sex-ed bill on
Today is International Sex Worker’s Rights Day. In this kinky world in which we live, play and rejoice in our sexual freedoms…consider the plight of sex workers. I regularly recommend that men who are looking for a pegging experience but
This is a part of Dan’s introduction to his podcast this week (#278) He was talking about conservative opposition to abortion, homosexuality and contraception. Abortion, contraception, homosexuality, it is all about – all 3 issues – are about the non-baby-making
This video is funny and scary and stupid and sad…all at once! And I am fairly sure it is NOT a parody, despite how it appears. Oh, Jocelyn Elders, you were so ahead of your time… And for the record
Occupy Wall Street If you support this movement – share these videos to counter the media blackout. The internet will prevail over the censorship. Here’s the links: If you only watch one – let it be this one :
Yes, you have to suffer through my political views on occasion…one of the privileges of owning a website and working hard to make it popular is that I get to use this soapbox at my own discretion. Usually I only