Stop Toxic Sex Toys
This Earth Day – make a promise. Spread the word about toxic sex toys. Smitten Kitten owner Jennifer Pritchett tells of her discovery of Toxic sex toys when starting her business. It is so very important to spread the word
This Earth Day – make a promise. Spread the word about toxic sex toys. Smitten Kitten owner Jennifer Pritchett tells of her discovery of Toxic sex toys when starting her business. It is so very important to spread the word
Arkansas Court Overturns Ban on Teacher-Student Sex That headline certainly conjures up quite a picture. If you want to read the article on Reuters, it’s here. What we are talking about is a teacher having sex with a student over
I pulled quotes in the following post from an article in the Salt Lake Tribune. Here’s the whole article – thanks to the Tribune for including both sides of the issue. Utah Governor Herbert vetoed the sex-ed bill on
Today is International Sex Worker’s Rights Day. In this kinky world in which we live, play and rejoice in our sexual freedoms…consider the plight of sex workers. I regularly recommend that men who are looking for a pegging experience but
Awesome new website that lets you tell the world every time you have safe sex! Did you have sex and wear a condom? Put a marker on the map where it all went down! “Where Did You Wear It?”
Gay Marriage okay in Washington state! Here is a lovely opinion article by a reverend about how he changed his mind about gay marriage. And here is Republican Representative Maureen Walsh with her heartfelt speech.
Now this is something you don’t see every day… (found on Craig’s list). Her mailbox is going to be full! “Would love to find a clean attractive man that is open to letting me fuck him with a strap on,
The Popularity And Perfectionism Behind Butt Sex The above article, in my opinion, was clearly written by a man who has never received or given good anal sex. I really, really hate it when people try to write about something
This may be old news to some…but I just came across it on the internet. Rape is a horrible, violent crime. It’s one of those things we would all make disappear if we had a magic wand. In some parts
Okay…for all of the Pegging is Gay people who have wandered here to have a look-see. You might have this idea in your head that all gay guys have anal sex – that’s pretty much what they do, right? I