Frank is Down For the Whole Ride

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Frank is Down For the Whole Ride

Masturbation Month 2024 #25 (Link to Part One) Frank didn’t have much to clean up beyond tossing the pizza box and wiping down the coffee table. He lingered in the kitchen a bit to give Cynthia some time to enjoy

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Masturbation month 2024 Cynthia takes a bath and Frank's heart swells

His Heart Swelled, Along With Other Things

Masturbation Month 2024 #24 (Link to Part One) Oh yes, Frank’s heart swells, but you need the history. Let me explain. Masturbation Month 2024 is here! And I have added to the story of Frank and Cynthia’s adventure for the

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This flower vase if full of reminders about the pegging Cynthia gave Frank!

The Fifth Day Was Full of Reminders

June 2, 2023 #23 (Link to Part One) Frank’s fifth day was full of reminders of his punishment the night before. From the moment he got up, even sitting on the edge of the bed, his butt smarted. He checked

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While handcuffed to the cushion, Frank wants to see the toy that thrilled Cynthia

He Wants to See the Toy That Thrilled Her

Frank and Cynthia’s story continues, and so can your masturbation! June 1st 2023 #22 – (Link to Part One) They laid in silence for a bit. Quiet but for the heavy breathing. “Do you like your new toy, Ma’am?” “Mmm… I

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Hungry for more Ruby Ryder shares close up of clit sucking part of Strap-On

Frank is Hungry For More, But Cynthia Has Plans

Masturbation Month 2023 #21 – (Link to Part One) “Deep breath.” Cynthia commanded Frank, and slowly withdrew the plug from Frank’s ass. Along with it went the delightful feeling of fullness. His caged cock felt heavy, hanging down past the end

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Ruby Ryder presents this new toy for pegging giver satisfaction

A New Toy Awaits After Frank’s Punishment

Masturbation Month 2023 #20 – (Link to Part One) The new toy looked impressive; Cynthia had to admit. Frank knew nothing about her latest acquisition. She’d kept it hidden ever since it arrived in the mail. This was a different kind

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Hump day arrives, and Frank receives another new apron!

Happy Hump Day for the Maid

Masturbation Month 2023 #18 – (Link to Part One) Frank awoke with a smile on his face. Last night with Cynthia had been a revelation. So that’s what a prostate orgasm felt like! He chuckled to himself to see her side

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Ruby Ryder says: Face time is important when you are caged!

Some Face Time For Cynthia

Masturbation Month 2023 #17 – (Link to Part One) Frank lay there on the massage table, so in love with Cynthia at that moment. He was completely smitten. She was a fucking goddess; of that he had no doubt whatsoever. Seems

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He couldn't see what was coming next.

What He Couldn’t See, He Wouldn’t Fear

Masturbation Month 2023 #15 – (Link to Part One) Frank came out of the bathroom naked and relaxed. He stepped just into the bedroom and closed his eyes so he couldn’t see the bed. “Ma’am? May I make a request, please?”

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Chastity is not only fair, it's delightful! Asylum Locking Chastity Cage.

Turnabout is Not Only Fair, it’s Essential

Masturbation Month 2023 #14 – (Link to Part One) It was only fair that tonight was his turn, Frank thought. Technically fairness had not been part of the agreement. But after last night, he felt he deserved a reward. He cleared

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