Shout Out
I just want to give a shout out to the man who found my website with these search words: “i will do anything for girlfriend but she wont fuck me the ass with a strapon” I feel for you, and

Podcast #16
Pegging Paradise Podcast – #16 ♥ A reader requests a podcast for men who are pegging/anal curious and bi-curious as well ♥ Labels and the difficulties that come with them ♥ Pegging and Bisexuality ♥ Chris Kluwe – NFL advocate

He’s Still….Not Gay
I’m in the mood for brevity and plain talk.. Every month I remind all of you – especially the new readers – that men who enjoy pegging are not automatically gay just because they like to be fucked in the

A Creative “No Thanks”
(With Apologies to the Doctor) I do not like dicks here or there. I do not like them anywhere. I do not like it Sam, I am. I do not like things in my can. I do not

An Irresponsible Distance
The things I find on the internet…! In response to a thread in which a man said his girlfriend wanted to do his ass with the dildo he bought her. He was unsure and soliciting advice. Just try

Reader Question
Hi, I’m **** and I’m from Spain. I have a stable relationship with my girlfriend. I met her more than 5 years ago. Since 2 or 3 years, I receive anal pleasure from her, first with fingers and after have

Podcast #15
Pegging Paradise – Podcast #15 ↑↑↑ Click here to download podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥ CatalystCon adventures detailed! ♥ Jennifer Pritchett ♥ Reid Mihalko – Reidaboutsex.com ♥ Ned and Maggie Mayhem – meetthemayhems.com ♥ Charlie Glickman – charlieglickman.com ♥ Carole Queen –

Dinner With Cock Shots
The vanilla dating adventure continues. Tonight I had dinner with a lovely man who looked for all the world to be a very conservative guy from his pics and profile. He wasn’t scared away when I told him I write

Reader Questions
My partner and I were looking for some pegging videos but had not found any nice onces. Then we found this site which has some great info. We’re new to this, only having had 3 nights over the last month.

Craigslist Strikes Again
Craig’s list? Yep. So how is it that I find people talking about pegging on Craig’s list to begin with, you ask? I’m kinda geeky and have Google alerts for the word ‘pegging’. Because anywhere that anyone is talking about

Podcast #14
Pegging Paradise Podcast #14 ↑↑↑ Click here to download podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥ CatalystCon sweetness! ♥ I make a deal with you ♥ Listen to my boatload of information and semi-rant about toxic toys and… ♥ I’ll read you some erotica