Podcast #24
Pegging Paradise Podcast #24 ❤ Welcome to the World of Strap-on Harnesses ❤ Leather – Aslan, Shiri Zinn ❤ Fabric – Spare Parts, RodeoH, Velvet Nest ❤ Unusual – Shibari Rope, Midori Scarves, briefs, jeans ❤ Here’s a switch –

Gratitude 2012
I’m grateful to live in paradise with amazing people. I’m grateful I found my tribe (thanks, CatalystCon). I’m grateful for the men who want to meet me from the vanilla dating site…not knowing they stand to get potentially kinkified. I’m

Thrusting & Throbbing
I feel you throb in my hand as I claim my space inside you I am in so deep that it’s like I come out the end of your cock. ♥Ruby Ryder♥

Top Sex Blogger 2012
I have been named one of the ‘Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2012″! Number 60 to be precise… Second year in a row I have been included on this list. Thanks to Rori of Between My Sheets for this

Sexual Honesty
A friend of mine writes the blog Sexual Candor. His recent post, “Why I came out to my parents as bisexual as a married adult” touched me, especially after all the talk about bisexuality that’s been happening here at Pegging

Podcast #23
Podcast ↑ ↑ ↑ Video ↓ ↓ ↓ (Just in case you got distracted) Pegging Paradise Podcast #23 Letters, Comments and Questions ❤ Double Orgasm success – during solo play…! ❤ He has a health issue that sends him searching

The Chairman
Okay everyone. I’ve dubbed this position, which really needed a name… The Chairman I snagged this photo from NewRyder’s tumblr blog – (Update – which is sadly no longer. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.)

“Bend Over & Enjoy It!”
A happy pegging story…sent to me by “Pegged” It was your site that finally explained to me why I should just bend over and enjoy it. Health issues at 60 caused me to seek alternative means to penetrate my lady/woman.

Dr. Jenn’s Pegging Video!
Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus of Dr Jenn’s Den did a short explanatory video “What is Pegging?” Being mentioned alongside Dan Savage was an honor – thanks, Jenn! Check out Dr. Jenn’s website for a treasure chest of information about
Podcast #22
Image Courtesy of Sensual Pegging Tumblr – go take a look at his collection of photos! Pegging Paradise Podcast #22 ❤ The election is over!! Political Wins in LGBT, Women and WTF California? ❤ David Petraeus resigns over extramarital affair.

Good Stuff
Random thoughts from dating land about the qualities I enjoy in a partner… Confidence. Here’s the difference between true confidence and cockiness. Confidence is quieter and calmly self-assured. Cockiness is more extroverted and has a show-off quality to it.

Yes! Marriage Equality!
Seems like all it took for the country to start voting for same-sex marriage was for Obama to support it. I mean really – we were 32 to zip trying to get stuff like that passed before and all of