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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Podcast #19

Pegging Paradise Podcast #19   ♥ Let’s talk politics – and I make a promise. ♥ Dating and trying to decide when to reveal your kink to potential love interests? I share my thoughts about that. ♥ Choice quotes from

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM


I know you are waiting! I just moved my office, reconnected my computer and am back in business amidst the boxes.  Too many boxes. I’ll have the podcast up by late tonight. With the Caption Contest Winners!  

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

The Kiss

  the earthquake inside will not be stilled my chin in her hand the kiss oh god the kiss perfect meeting of lips and tongues promising an 8.0 Richter scale hinting at more than I can imagine hers just….hers.  

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Caption Contest!

Create a caption for this photo, place it in the comment section below. Limit 50 words. Make it a good one. The winner receives a one year “I Want It All” subscription to Pegging Paradise!   Here’s the other caption

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Lessons Learned

  It was an unexpected day of lessons for me. When there is work inside me that needs to be done – I trust the universe to send me a reminder on a regular basis until I deal with it.

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM


I really want to make one like this one year – maybe this will be the one!  

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National Ass Day

Who knows where this came from – but it’s a trend on Twitter right now! So far be it from Ruby not to ‘get behind’ National Ass Day. Heh heh. Here’s a lovely one for you! Well…kinda for me, too… 

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Caption Contest!!

Win a free Six Inch Membership to Pegging Paradise! Caption this photo……no more than 50 words. Channel your inner eloquence and write it in the comment section below.     There are two caption contests! Enter the other one, too…

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Is This Gorgeous? Yes.

 On my wish list for Christmas! (Not the one the family sees…lol)  So pretty and feminine. Will work with a double or single… Pegging and Fashion…the intersection.

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Podcast #18

Pegging Paradise Podcast #18 ♥ Remember the married reader who wanted to be pegged so much he was considering getting fucked by a pro guy? He’s back with the end of his tale (pun most definitely intended), as well as

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