Day #3 Orgasm #3
Late post tonight. I went to the midnight showing of the Avengers (like every good hardcore Joss Whedon fan) and just got home. Do not miss this movie! (When you go, because this is a when movie and not

Day #2 Orgasm #2
In the wee hours of May 2nd…it was this vision that sent me over the edge…(not the picture – the story) The moment…the very moment of penetration when I am laying on top of you. So much skin touching.

Day #1 Orgasm #1
Yesterday a long distance friend of mine sent me a message. Guess what I got last night? Well, I wasn’t born yesterday… Laid? Precisely. But the story is much hotter than just…I got laid. I’m sure you will

Masturbation Month 2012
The Merry Masturbation Month of May has at long last arrived!! It is time to celebrate that solitary pleasure we all know and love…the way our fingers or hands move…the stroke that feels the best…the visions in our heads

Who Does it Better?
In the last few hours leading up to Masturbation Month…I thought it appropriate to take a look at the places in this world who do a better job of handling sexuality in general. Better than the USA ever thought about.

Dancing with Dragons
A parade of men saunter past, leading with their hips… leading with their cocks. The Dragon Men. Chosen for their prowess, their physiques and their…Dragons. Each one is personally selected by the Queen. To spend the night

Stop Toxic Sex Toys
This Earth Day – make a promise. Spread the word about toxic sex toys. Smitten Kitten owner Jennifer Pritchett tells of her discovery of Toxic sex toys when starting her business. It is so very important to spread the word

Who Takes Whom?
lips and tongues we’ve just begun in deep waters no set destination a sun-filled morning with the pivot of power a question of desire who gives…and who gets? do compelling hands clutching your curved cheeks light flames of longing

Changing Places
Pegging is a chance to walk in your partner’s shoes sexually. As a woman you have to fuck your partner. As a man you have to allow someone to penetrate you and fuck you. It can be very enlightening. As

Desensitizing Anal Lubes
One word. No. Here is an Amazon review for a popular anal desensitizing lube that will make everything clear: Thanks to whoever invented this product! It works great! (Be careful though, I bled for like a whole day after using

The Epic Fail of Pegging Ads
Anyone who is the slightest bit interested in pegging, interested enough to search the internet a bit for more information has seen them. Pegging personal ads, all placed by men. From the restrained: Anyone in Atlanta area interested in an

Getting My Balance
Yin and Yang. Male and Female energy. We all have both. Ideally, if you are a man you have mainly male energy with a bit of female energy. As a woman, ideally you have mostly female energy with a bit