Blog Archives

Crackers Against Sex

Graham crackers.     Yum. And milk. Or maybe toasted marshmallows and pieces of chocolate between two crispy graham crackers –  “s’mores” I remember those from Girl Scouts when I was young. Sounds so wholesome, right? Graham crackers and milk

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Photos of Ruby Ryder

This is for the person who found Pegging Paradise with the search words, “Ruby Ryder pegging photo”. You all have that person to thank. Why? Because I decided to put some pics up. Pegging Paradise is almost 2½ years  old,

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Thank You, ACLU!

This is one of the reasons I am a “card carrying member”… Clovis Unified district sued over abstinence-only sex education

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

It Makes Me Sad

When dealing with the misconceptions connected with pegging, the overwhelmingly most common one is that a man who enjoys pegging is gay. What make me sad is that the word ‘gay’ in this context often seems to carry a negative

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New Story Posted!

A Wet One Here’s the teaser: One for you sensual pegging fans! After a long day of working on the house and yard, Tom and Vicki have plans to clean up and go to happy hour at a local bar.

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

A Wet One

One for you sensual pegging fans!
After a long day of working on the house and yard, Tom and Vicki have plans to clean up and go to happy hour at a local bar. They spend some time in the shower instead, getting things squeaky clean and satisfied. Tom will never say no to a shower again.
Established couple, shower sex, surprise, sensual pegging
2600 words

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Happy Hour

  “We’re going to dinner soon.” I murmur. You look up at me. “I want you to wear your plug. The new one.” You smile. “Seriously?” I nod. “To dinner?” I nod again. You take the gleaming stainless steel plug

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Podcast #10

Pegging Paradise Podcast #10 ↑↑↑ Click here to listen to the podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥  Ruby’s educational monologue/rant about toxic sex toys. Pass the information on, please! ♥ His ex had no problem orgasming during pegging but his wife – not

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Perfect Answer

  Joss Whedon – creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Toy Story, Firefly, Serenity, Dollhouse, The Cabin in the Woods, the Avengers and more…. Am I a fan? Oh Yeah. Oh, and he’s in charge of the next Avenger’s

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Podcast #9

Pegging Paradise Podcast #9 ↑↑↑ Click here to listen to the podcast… ↑↑↑ ♥  Ruby’s excited about her new microphone and hopes you are too… ♥ He’s proposed getting pegged for his 40th birthday and she’s considering the idea –

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Spice up Your Strap-on!

I wanted to let you know about a slick little piece of leather that might change your life! Well, that could be an exaggeration. Then again it could be an understatement. Take a look. Aslan Leather is one of 2

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Ruby’s Inspiration Tonight

  Working on a story – this picture is pretty much exactly what I was envisioning in one scene. I have been so wanting to find a good pegging in the shower photo! This one is hot. Enjoy.  

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