Blog Archives

Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #30 Orgasm #33!

Inspired yesterday…inspired indeed. Yard work and then a shower earlier in the day. Helloooo, shower massager. Going through my mind was another Penthouse letter I like to replay occasionally. A couple who welcomed a third in their bed on occasion

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This is What…

…Makes it all worth it. The late nights, the internet research, the wrestling with words and the wrestling with my website… When I get a message like this…I know I am exactly where I need to be doing precisely what

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #29 Orgasm #31

Here I am again. Coaxing the keys, sweet-talking the words. Writing for you. And for me, too. Especially this last month. At this juncture I like to thank… Thanks for all the amazing, classy, gorgeous black and white photos

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #28 Orgasm #30

  Definitely the home stretch here…I’m getting competitive (with myself) and wanting to end up with a much higher number of  orgasms than days….but without a Hitachi it’s a little late for that! Someone asked me yesterday what I enjoy

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

The Lines Blur…

    Masturbation Month has been filled with pleasure for me, in so many ways! Thank you dear readers, for enjoying the glimpse inside the masturbation fantasies of a writer of erotica, for sharing your own glimpses and getting into

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #27 Orgasm #29

Post-orgasmic slumber? All I know it that it’s dangerous to leave a rear end that nice out from under the covers around me. He wouldn’t be sleeping for long.   I want to share with you a letter I received

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #26 Orgasm #28

  So, Gentlemen, have you been taking your turn at the self-serve pump? Ladies, have you been playing air guitar naked? I have been faithfully stirring it up since May 1st, as you all know. And I have to say…this

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #25 Orgasm #27

  I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all my new members! I hope you enjoy your perusals of Pegging Paradise. You can access all the stories form the story archives on the right. I recorded a couple of

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Comment Reply Emails

Big changes at Pegging Paradise! Comment Reply Notification via Email In other words…when you come here to Pegging Paradise and comment on something I have written (which thrills me, by the way) and then I or another reader reply to

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #24 Orgasm #26

  So how…do you get off? Is the first thing you reach for a book? Do you close your eyes and just fantasize? Do you dial up your favorite porn on the computer? I actually do a mix of all

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Masturbation Euphemisms

  I have to say – I’m a little jealous. You guys get the real zingers. I suppose that makes sense because it seems that most of you gentlemen are quite proud of your lovely cocks (with reason). You make

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Ruby Ryder pegging BDSM

Day #23 Orgasm #25!

I returned from being out yesterday morning and dove into some yard work. Mowing, edging, sweeping, etc. Kicked up a lot of dust. I was covered with a layer of dirt by the time I was finished. Definitely shower time.

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