He Says it So Well!
Dan Savage on the Madonna/Whore disconnect many men struggle with. Leave it to this guy to put words to this subject that make the point hilariously – and quite well!!

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “slut-shaming”. There’s no doubt that a double standard exists. Men are studs when they are sexually active but women are sluts. Men are virile, awesome and sought after. He’s a real “ladies

2012 Masturbate-a-Thon
Here’s a treat for you… I discovered a firsthand account of the 2012 Masturbate-a-Thon in San Francisco. Not only a firsthand account…a participant! You can read Vanessa’s story here. The rest of her blog is a fascinating read,
Audio – “My Muse”!
After months of resolving issues with my recording software fighting with Windows 7…it’s all working now! For your listening pleasure – I have recorded the story: “My Muse” Enjoy! ♥ Ruby ♥ Recorded stories are available for my “I Want

Masturbation Aftermath
I sit here on a cool morning, quietness surrounds me. The flow of words is clear in my head. An entire month of self-pleasuring. Mmmmm. Quite a delicious celebration for Masturbation Month 2012, if I do say so myself.
Day #31 Orgasm #34
Yesterday, I got to sleep in a little and not have to hurry anywhere in the morning. I know what you’re thinking. I was, too. Perfect time for…applying a little lip gloss, right? I enjoy pretty much everything about

Day #30 Orgasm #33!
Inspired yesterday…inspired indeed. Yard work and then a shower earlier in the day. Helloooo, shower massager. Going through my mind was another Penthouse letter I like to replay occasionally. A couple who welcomed a third in their bed on occasion
This is What…
…Makes it all worth it. The late nights, the internet research, the wrestling with words and the wrestling with my website… When I get a message like this…I know I am exactly where I need to be doing precisely what

Day #29 Orgasm #31
Here I am again. Coaxing the keys, sweet-talking the words. Writing for you. And for me, too. Especially this last month. At this juncture I like to thank… pariscowboy.tumblr.com Thanks for all the amazing, classy, gorgeous black and white photos

Day #28 Orgasm #30
Definitely the home stretch here…I’m getting competitive (with myself) and wanting to end up with a much higher number of orgasms than days….but without a Hitachi it’s a little late for that! Someone asked me yesterday what I enjoy

The Lines Blur…
Masturbation Month has been filled with pleasure for me, in so many ways! Thank you dear readers, for enjoying the glimpse inside the masturbation fantasies of a writer of erotica, for sharing your own glimpses and getting into