Podcast #99
Pegging Paradise Podcast #99 Interview with Tiffany Yelverton of Entice Me Sexy Soirées ! ❤ Her first pegging experience!! ❤ (And his, too!) ❤ Facebook updates their nudity policy – sex negativity follows Linkorama Liberator Sex Pillow Liberator Heart-Shaped Sex Pillow

Surreal…and Sad
Police came to our door tonight to inform my daughter that her father, who resided in AZ, is dead. Found in his apartment, no evidence of foul play, and that’s all we know until they determine cause of death.

What Will They Think of Next
Thought you’d all enjoy this! Image courtesy of Nick1983!

Happy Heart Day!
Be sure to take care of your heart, as you walk through this life. Feed your heart whatever it craves as often as you can. Flowers in a vase, a hike in the mountains, a long, soft hug with a

Justin and Meagan are devoted members of their church, and absolutely insist on being of service to the Lord by making snacks for the congregation. Everyone assumes they prepare those snacks in the rectory during the sermon. But the rectory is the setting for activities much more fun than preparing snacks, and just private enough to offer secrecy. This Sunday, though, someone overhears them.
Sacrilegious, bisexuality, D/s, threesomes, lingerie
3250 words

Podcast #98
Pegging Paradise Podcast #98 ❤ Men can get yeast infections, too ❤ The boy toy turns into a boyfriend – love story! ❤ He loves it, but won’t tell anyone for fear of judgment. He’s asking all women to spread the

Positions for Beginners
Pegging Positions for Beginners Two positions I recommend for newbies when the woman has little skill and/or endurance. These positions pretty much eliminate the need for skill on the woman’s part. They are a great choice if she gets tired. Enjoy!

Pegging on TV!
I am not much of a TV watcher, as I do not (by choice) have cable. But the latest episode of “Broad City” on Comedy Central takes pegging and runs with it, mostly in good directions, too! I will have to

Podcast #97
Pegging Paradise Podcast #97 ❤ He takes to (wearing) her strap-on enthusiastically, and a good time is had by all. ❤ UCLA girls are into pegging! One of them is concerned about causing harm… ❤ She got the new dildo I recommended, used

Classes Jan 25 Long Beach
Event Link on Facebook – more info Reserve your spot here Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…wouldn’t you like to bring a new skill to the bedroom? This class is being graciously hosted by Tiffany Yelverton of Entice Me

Christmas Melancholy
I feel it coming, and I hate it. I squirm and tap my fingers and check my mail too often. Poignantly and perversely, the mail I do get has increased importance, in direct proportion to my need. The need to

Podcast #96
Pegging Paradise Podcast #96 ❤ Don’t buy sex toys from Amazon ❤ New Toy Report – Share Vibe! ❤ Finally decided how I feel about Toxic Toys ❤ Reddit Prostate posts – check them out! ❤ She unhappy; he loves