Masturbation Month???
May is “National Masturbation Month?” How did I miss this??? This is the completely awesome discovery I made today; every year there are 31 days in which people are encouraged to “self-pleasure”! After doing a little investigation as to how

Win a Story Membership!
You are shattering my illusion that you readers of elegant erotica, articulate porn, literate smut…that you are also readers of the classics, the big guns of literature. The offer still stands – find the quote from Thoreau that I butchered

Hand Prints
♥Now that I have opened up my dark and dusty erotica file and brought my lusty literature, aching to be explored, out into the warmth of these summer days…I am finding savory fragments of my past which I will offer

No…He’s Not Gay
He’s not gay. Okay, everyone listening? Two common misconceptions about pegging: If a man likes pegging, he must be gay. If you peg a straight man, he will become gay. Cue Laughter and Eye Roll Both of these are so

A (Virgin) Reader’s Question
I would like to ask you a question…….I don’t want to make a big deal about it but it’s important to me so I’m going to ask….I want my first time to be special. I’m a virgin and I don’t

The Risks of Rapturous Rimming
Know Your Rimming Risks While rimming can be a wonderfully intimate, hot experience to give and to receive, please know the risks before diving in to that adorable, inviting puckered hole… Consider carefully the exposure you are risking. Unprotected analingus

The Bare-Assed Basics of Rapturous Rimming
Rapturous Rimming Rimming, as sexy and hot and intimate and delightfully nasty as it is…is not everyone’s cup of tea. Yet some people love the feel of teasing their tongue into their partner’s ass and feeling them squirm with pleasure. And
Rights of Sex Workers
Okay, I know you were waiting patiently for a post about rimming and I will have that for you in a few days, but…I just ran across a very powerful video by “Audacia Ray” I want to share. It’s about

Doesn’t it Hurt?
One of the first questions I hear from ladies who are new to the concept of Pegging is, “Doesn’t it hurt?” Now these might be ladies who have yet to explore posteriors in any serious fashion – either their own

New Parts
Have you ever had one of those moments when you discover something new about your sexuality? Something happens around you, whether it’s a touch you have not experienced before, a piece of clothing someone is wearing or maybe the tone

A Discerning Porn Enthusiast
Are you a porn enthusiast? In the past I have had a love/hate relationship with the word “Porn”. To me it has always described the worst offerings of sexually oriented videos, photos and stories. In my mind, I would substitute

How Many?
How many of what, exactly…? A man who has not tried pegging but wants to, when asked what is it about the act that interests him: “Well, I figure 150 million gay guys can’t be wrong.” According to Wiki Answers,