An Abundance of Penetralia
Dildos are dildos are dildos, right? Au contraire mon frère! The sheer abundance of penetralia can be mind boggling, confusing, as well as inspiring. The provocative curves, teasing twists, wild ridges, vivid colors, glittery sparkles, and metallic shimmers….wow! So many

The Puborectalis and Pegging
The Puborectalis and Pegging. What’s the Connection? There is a question that comes up pretty regularly in the various Pegging forum boards I frequent. It typically reads something like this, “When we do Pegging, about 3-4” in, it feels uncomfortable

Podcast #289 is in the Room!
Listen to Pegging Paradise Podcast #289 No butts in the USA He discovers about real trust with pegging New to pegging but not solo play, he has size questions He lets go of the shame and guilt, and talks to

Lend an Ear to Podcast #288
For your listening pleasure – it is indeed time to… Lend an Ear to Podcast #288! She offers more info re: chastity, cuckolding & humiliation questions He noticed men’s clothing ads in the US don’t show asses – WTF? Podcast

On Demand Webinar for Beginners!
You have been asking for on demand webinar availability for some time – and now it’s here! The Art of Pegging for Beginners – On Demand Webinar Now available on demand, to watch privately (not on Zoom), with whomever you

Best Pegging Positions
The best pegging positions depend on many factors; body type, height, fitness, and more. Here are some to try! They vary in degrees of intimacy, eye contact, cock accessibility, kissing, comfort, and giver/receiver effort required. Enjoy! Many Missionaries – to

Pegging and Aftercare
Pegging and aftercare? Yes. I am a firm believer that pegging and aftercare go together in a beautifully synergistic manner. Let me explain. What is Aftercare? The term originated in the BDSM community, and includes the things you do to

Podcast #287 Greets the New Year!
Podcast #287 Greets the New Year! He sends fan mail! Encouraging pegging with his wife plus CD and ED issues He has lube and harness questions He has questions about the angle of toy vs rectum She checks in 5

Podcast #112 – The Introduction
Podcast #112 for the Givers The Introduction The introduction of the concept of pegging is the hardest part for most hopeful receivers. Broaching the subject with their partner often requires courage and communication. That’s exactly the situation that this podcast

Podcast #286 Completes 2021!
Podcast #286 completes 2021 with style! Enjoy the pegging celebration stories, and everything else this episode has to offer. Happy New Year! Movember ends with Bodacious Tatas! New Article – Stigma of Big Toys Comment on ED issues from #279

A Reminder About Sexualizing
Why do we need a reminder about sexualizing? After having recently received a spate of emails and messages that go into detail about some type of sexual encounter between the person who sent the message and me, I feel the

Bodacious Tatas for Movember!
Bodacious Tatas for the win! I promised to share photos of The Girls if I reached my fundraising goal. I did indeed, thanks to you generous donors! Thank you from the bottom, top and entirety of my heart. Bodacious Tatas