Day #27 Orgasm #29
Post-orgasmic slumber? All I know it that it’s dangerous to leave a rear end that nice out from under the covers around me. He wouldn’t be sleeping for long. I want to share with you a letter I received

Day #26 Orgasm #28
So, Gentlemen, have you been taking your turn at the self-serve pump? Ladies, have you been playing air guitar naked? I have been faithfully stirring it up since May 1st, as you all know. And I have to say…this

Day #25 Orgasm #27
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all my new members! I hope you enjoy your perusals of Pegging Paradise. You can access all the stories form the story archives on the right. I recorded a couple of
Comment Reply Emails
Big changes at Pegging Paradise! Comment Reply Notification via Email In other words…when you come here to Pegging Paradise and comment on something I have written (which thrills me, by the way) and then I or another reader reply to

Day #24 Orgasm #26
So how…do you get off? Is the first thing you reach for a book? Do you close your eyes and just fantasize? Do you dial up your favorite porn on the computer? I actually do a mix of all

Masturbation Euphemisms
I have to say – I’m a little jealous. You guys get the real zingers. I suppose that makes sense because it seems that most of you gentlemen are quite proud of your lovely cocks (with reason). You make

Day #23 Orgasm #25!
I returned from being out yesterday morning and dove into some yard work. Mowing, edging, sweeping, etc. Kicked up a lot of dust. I was covered with a layer of dirt by the time I was finished. Definitely shower time.

Day #22 Orgasm #23
Under the Surface Lori couldn’t believe he was doing this. What was he thinking? The two of them had fucked each other raw. Christ the sex had been good. Not just good, exceptional. For a few months it was

Joycelyn Elders
How Masturbation Month Originated We all owe a big thank you to Joycelyn Elders, the Surgeon General under the Clinton administration. This was a woman ahead of her time. In 1994, this amazing, highly educated, progressive-minded Surgeon General was asked

Day #21 Orgasm #22
found on reddit/pegging Okay, so this isn’t a photo of someone masturbating…but she’s fucking hot, you have to agree. I’d prefer a little more meat on her bones (don’t usually care to see the ribs) but the photo is exquisite

Kudos Planned Parenthood!!
Recently there was a bit of a kerfuffle…and it had to do with Masturbation Month. Yay! I love kerfuffles! Planned Parenthood in Florida actually tweeted about Masturbation Month. (cue end-of-world music) Then…on the same day the main Planned Parenthood twitter

Day #20 Orgasm #21
Tonight I have a quote for you, from blogger Lydia Netzer… in her post – “15 ways to stay married 15 years” “Get really good at sex. You’ve got all the time in the world to get really really good,