New Story Posted!
Battle Buddies Poly triads can be tricky. Especially one where the two men are so different. Zach and Taylor are having trouble adjusting to living together with Ruby. They become pretty invested in competing with each other for Ruby’s attentions

Battle Buddies
Poly triads can be tricky. Especially one where the two men are so different. Zach and Taylor are having trouble adjusting to living together with Ruby. They become pretty invested in competing with each other for Ruby’s attentions and praise. It all comes to a head one morning over a simple cup of coffee. Ruby is determined to whip the boys into shape and work things out. The boys surprise themselves and Ruby, too!
2850 words
polyamory, bisexuality, bdsm, relationships

Podcast #91
Pegging – An Idea Whose Time Has Come! Pegging Paradise Podcast #91 ❤ As a Pegging Sex Educator – sometimes Shit Happens ❤ Bisexuality Awareness Week – Belatedly ❤ Cheap beginner toys = Tantus Grab Bag ❤ Width vs Length – he’s

Latex, Anyone?
Here’s just one of the beautiful photos from the latest photo shoot by our friends over at Coiled-up.com If you love pegging and you love latex….you really need to click right here and take a look! Makes me want to

Podcast #90
Pegging Paradise Podcast #90 ❤ How the phone line works…. ❤ He’s concerned about large size play but loves being a size king! ❤ She stopped pegging because ‘there’s nothing in it for her’…how can he get her back to it? ❤ He’s wanting tips for

You – Top 10 Cities!
London New York Los Angeles Chicago Melbourne Houston Sydney Toronto Seattle Tempe London! You surprise me, London. (Moves a trip across the pond up higher on my ‘to do’ list.) New York…no surprise there. There are so many of

No Fun For Her – Yet
This comment was left on my Pegging 101 website. This woman’s experience is not unique. I thought it needed front page exposure. Please feel free to copy this and share it as widely as you like – Let’s get the

A DIY Harness!
So you save up and get that dildo you have always been wanting and sometimes it’s a little tough to afford the harness, too. Solution? Consider this DIY harness! Thanks to Isabella Rotman for this excellent idea! Not to

The Tantus Sport
Tantus’ dildos are among my favorite. They are a great company that has an unbending dedication to providing us all with body-safe non-toxic toys that are often exactly what we have been wanting for a long time or even better,

Podcast #89
Pegging Paradise Podcast #89 ❤ Listening to the podcast – the various ways around iTunes!❤ ANME Show!❤ HydroDouche by BathMate❤ Plus-Sized Harnesses by Sportsheets!❤ Spreader Bar by Sportsheets❤ Talea Spreader Bar by Liberator❤ Obéir Spanking Bench by Liberator❤ Cock Rings by Tantus❤ Silicone O-Ring Set by

Spice it Up!!
This is some excellent advice from a couple who are currently enjoying an incredible sex life – SpicyHubby and SpicyWife. I came across this on their website: Spice Up My Marriage, and was struck by it’s simplicity and truth. You’ll find

New Story Posted!
Saturn’s Day Every Saturn’s Day is a day of erotic celebration for all who live in Gwendolyn’s kingdom. As the queen, she freed her people from the church’s religious repression of their sexuality many winters ago. The queen has a