We Cross Paths Again
Have you ever met someone you were so intensely attracted to that it’s a visceral experience? An experience so strong you are powerless to resist it? Yeah. Had that. Tonight. Again. He’s unavailable. Completely unavailable for so many good reasons.

I Cannot Fathom…
Fisting is not something I have explored. I may at some point. But the eloquence and heartfelt nature of the words here is profound. I had to share.

Podcast #29
Pegging Paradise Podcast #29 ❤ Letters from the not-yet pegged ❤ He’s going to go for it ❤ He needs the right size – already blessed with a willing partner… ❤ This guy asked and she said yes and he’s

Questioning His Orientation?
Yes – it’s that time of the month again when I try to counter the automatic assumption that any man who enjoys getting fucked in the ass needs to question his sexual orientation. No, he really doesn’t. All he needs

Podcast #28
Pegging Paradise Podcast #28 ❤ M-appy Christma-Kwanz-ukkah, everyone! ❤ Pegging is most often different from what you see in porn. ❤ He’s 17 and wants to purchase toys clandestinely. Listen up all you under 18 people who want to get

Miss Lauren
(This story is from a friend of mine who went to see a very real professional domme for the first time, Miss Lauren.) I had always wanted to see a professional domme, to experience submitting to a woman. It was

New Story Posted!
Too Good a Fit Here’s the Teaser: Gavin and Lori experienced the very definition of hot sex when they met. Sex that good is hard to let go of, and comes with a price. The relationship never worked but the

Too Good A Fit
Gavin and Lori experienced the very definition of hot sex when they met. Sex that good is hard to let go of, and comes with a price. The relationship never worked but the sex was the best they’d ever had. What to do?
Infidelity, lite D/s, established couple, multiple orgasms, hotel
3350 words

Podcast #27
Pegging Paradise Podcast #27 ❤ Lying about your age on internet dating sites (Another Ruby Rant) ❤ Bizarre computer dating “matches” and No sex before marriage? ❤ She started off pegging enthusiastically but since his temporary problem with constipation she

Podcast #26
Pegging Paradise Podcast #26 ❤ The woman in podcast #24 whose boyfriend was reluctant to let her near his ass with anything more than a finger? Yeah – she’s got a plan and it’s workin’! ❤ A reader wonders what

Podcast #25
Pegging Paradise Podcast #25 ❤ Prostate, butt plugs and parties? I’m in. ❤ Aneros solo toys good intro for reluctant peggee ❤ Prostate health, Aneros’ two websites, prostate massage ❤ She lost a lot of weight but still is self-conscious

NaNoWriMo Final Count
25974 For my first try at the NaNoWriMo Challenge – I am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I had some lovely slices of time where I really did turn off the inner editor and just threw down the